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Bettina Noack


I am something of a "truth seeker."

Since I was in school, I felt there must be more that a human being should know and experience. After university and despite my success in the corporate world, there was a "missing piece" that I started searching for.
I approached this search for the "other side" with books like the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead' and started with a very systematic and physical yoga practice. 

I Integrated Yoga into my life, and since then, I've been practicing, experiencing, teaching, guiding, and consistently learning.
So far, I've taught Yoga in different styles for over 20 years.

It has been a wonderful journey of learning and growth, and I feel grateful to be able to share the benefits of yoga with others as a yoga and meditation teacher.


Through my yoga journey, I have learned a lot about myself and the essence of being human.
From my experiences, I have always been curious and fascinated by the inexhaustible potential of the human being, and I  have developed my own practice, which I was able to test for myself after a life-altering illness 3 years ago. I emerged from the depths of that experience stronger, confident, with clarity, more life-affirming, and more courageous than before. 

That’s why my mission is to empower you to perceive and integrate this “other side” in  yourself. To bring your own abilities to the surface, to use and expand them to lead a happy, healthy, and meaningful life. 

Yoga in Munich

I was born in Santiago de Chile as the fourth generation of German immigrants, and moving to the Atacama Desert with my parents at the age of 7, I learned early on what it means to be different.

The questions "Who am I?", "Where do I belong?" and "What is my task here on earth?" have interested me from an early age on. So it is no surprise that many moves later, I found the path of yoga...

Welcome to Azul Profundo, a journey from the surface to the deep.


Some yogis get their personal mantra from an Indian guru. I got my mantra in 1980 from my grandfather, an evangelical pastor in Africa and Chile.​

What it was that I got there I didn't understand until many years later...


in full trust in the forces

which God* gives you

create your life, 

so that it continues to be beautiful."

​*The great consciousness, the primal intelligence, the source

Some stages of my way...
 from head to heart

Continuing education with great yoga teachers like:

Katchie Ananda, Marc Holzmann, Tara Judelle, Sianna Shermann, Barbara Noh, Jordan Bloom, Dough Keller, Douglas Brooks, Sally Kempton, Swami Chetananananda, Ross Rayburn, John Friend, Shiva Rea, Patabi Jois, Christi Nones, Desiree Roumboh, Noa Maze , Bill Mahony, Marc Withwell, Gurmuk, Max Strom, Tomas Zorzo, Amy Ipolity.

July  2023: Meditations Teacher Training with Sally Miller.


2023   Continuous Self Work seminars and retreats with Marivi de Teresa (Toltec Teacher) and Fresia Castro (Cyclopea Method Internal Activation of the Pineal Gland), Mexico, Chile, Spain.

2022. Start to teach again.

2021: Degree “Tanatologia”, Universidad C.L.E.A., Mexico.

January 2021: The deep healing Process starts.

September 2020: Liqour Loss Syndrome, life-altering illness. 

2020:  Further training in the Cyclopea Method with Fresia Castro (Monte Patria Chile).

Online yoga and meditation classes "Yoga in times of crisis".

2019: Development of the course "The 7 Doors into the Silence of Infinity".

​2019:  Move to London. Retreat from teaching. Studies in the Theosophical Society London, deepening of own meditation and yoga practice.

2018:  Founding of "The Golden House" in Starnberg with two partners: Nici Gilg-Geymayer and Thais de la Paz. Home for yoga, body therapies, holistic healing, and ancient wisdom.

Further education, therapy training, workshops, conferences, retreats.

From 2016:  Technique of "Recopilacion" Wisdom of the Ancient Toltecs, Marivi de Teresa, a disciple of Carlos Castaneda - The Way of the Warrior. Europe, Mexico.

2015-2016:  300 hours of Advanced Teacher Training with Sianna Sherman Rasa Yoga, Berlin, status ERYT 500.

2015:  Further training in "Medicina Tensergetica" with Cristian Salado, Madrid.

From 2014:  Seminars and further training courses with Fresia Castro – deepening of the method for activating the pineal gland.

From 2013:  Daily meditation practice - activation of the pineal gland - conscious creation.

2013  Pineal Gland Activation Seminar, Magda Galvez, Barcelona.

​2010: Anusara Inspired Teacher Certification.

2010:  Anusara Teacher Training with Jordan Bloom and Barbra Noh; Airyoga Munich.

2008-2009:  Anusara Immersions I through III with Jordan Bloom and Barbra Noh; Airyoga Munich.

From 2007: Beginning to teach yoga full-time in various studios and privately.

2007: RYT 200 Vinyasa Yoga according to Yoga Alliance standards with Dough Keller, Christine May, Richard Hackenberg, Rachel Zinmann, Airyoga Munich.

2003: Start teaching yoga and work part-time in the office.

2003: Ashtanga Yoga training with David Swenson, Cologne.

2003: Move to Germany.

From 2002: Regular Hatha Yoga and Pranayama practice, mainly Ashtanga Yoga.

1998:  Moved to NY, USA - fulltime mom.

1996: Encountering Hatha Yoga during the first pregnancy. Yoga practice begins.

1996: Got Married to Mathias and moved to Germany.

1993: Master Degree in business administration from the University of Paderborn (studies in Germany and Ireland) - Started in the marketing department of a financial services company in Santiago, Chile.

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